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Structural Design
Structural Defaults
Create Structure
Create Framework
Create Sub-Frame
Section Settings
Default Section Specification
Snap Points
Section and Panel Storage
Create Sections
Straight Sections
Curved Sections
Section Connectivity
Dominant and Subordinate Connections
Dynamic Connectivity Rules
Automatic Section Connection
Connect Sections
Disconnect Sections
Trim Connected Section Ends
End Datum at Section End
View Section End Connections
Create Merged Joint
Create Section Fitting
Modify Sections
Modify Section Properties
Modify Joint
Unset Joint Specification
Modify Merged Joint
Delete Merged Joint
Modify Fitting
Navigator PowerWheel™
Extend Section
Mitre Sections
Fillet Section
Split Section, Panel or Bounded Plate
Splice Sections
Merge Sections
View Section Dimensions
Plates Settings
Default Panel Specification
Create Panels
Create Rectangle Panel
Create Multiple Point Panel
Create Bounded Plate
Create Arc Panel with Specified Centre Point and Sweep Angle
Create Arc Panel with Three Specified Points
Create Arc Panel with Two Specified Points
Create Ring Panel with Specified Centre Point
Create Ring Panel with Three Specified Points
Create Ring Panel with Two Specified Points
Create Disc Panel with Specified Centre Point
Create Disc Panel with Three Specified Points
Create Disc Panel with Two Specified Points
Negative Extrusions
Create Panel Fittings
Modify Panels
Modify Panel Properties
Modify Panel Loop Properties
Modify Panel Vertex Properties
Modify Panel Fitting
Navigator PowerWheel™
Merge Panels
Expand/Contract Panel
Panel Origin
Drawing Edges
Bounded Plate Health Checker
View Panel Dimensions
Walls and Floors
Walls and Floors Settings
Default Wall and Floor Specifications
Create Walls
Create Straight Wall
Create Ring Wall
Create User Defined Wall
Create Compound Wall
Create Floors
Create Floor
Create Screed
Create Negative Extrusion
Create Compound Floor
Create Compound Screed
Wall Connectivity
Connect Walls
Connect Wall to Wall
Align Wall Connections
Disconnect Walls
Tidy Joints and Nodes
View Wall End Connections
Create Wall and Floor Fittings
Create Wall Fittings
Create Floor Fittings
Modify Walls
Modify Wall Definition
Modify Wall Specification
Modify Wall Position Origin
Modify Wall Justification
Flip Wall
Modify Floors
Modify Floor/Screed Definition
Modify Floor/Screed Justification
Modify Floor/Screed Thickness
Modify Floor/Screed Negative Extrusion
Position Floor/Screed Origin
Modify Floor/Screed Specification
Modify Wall and Floor Fittings
Modify Wall Fitting
Modify Floor/Screed Fitting
Split Wall
Splice Wall
Merge Walls
Mitre Ends
Wall Ends
Extend Through
Extend By
Trim Ends
Trim Connected
Split Floor/Screed
Modify Screed Slope
Walls and Floors Tools
Stairs, Ladders and Handrails
Stairs, Ladders and Handrails Hierarchy
Stairs, Ladders and Handrails Window
Standards and Defaults
Representation Mode
Stair Flight
Layout Hierarchy
Detail Hierarchy
Create Stair Flight
Detail Mode
Step Ladder
Layout Hierarchy
Detail Hierarchy
Create Step Ladder
Detail Mode
Rung Ladder
Layout Rung Ladder Hierarchy
Detail Rung Ladder Hierarchy
Create Rung Ladder
Layout Mode
Detail Mode
Layout Handrails Hierarchy
Detail Handrails Hierarchy
Create Handrail
Detail Handrail
Panelled Handrails
Curved Handrails
Handrails on Stairs
Modify Stairs, Ladders or Handrails
Modify Stair Flight
Modify Step Ladder
Modify Rung Ladder
Modify Handrail
Stairs, Ladders and Handrails Tools
Split Handrails
Merge Handrails
Split Rails
Structural Catalogue
Standard Profiles - Naming & Descriptions
Standard Profiles - Generic Types
Standard Profiles - Parameters
P-line Identification
Design Parameter Profiles - Generic Types
Design Parameter Profiles - Parameters
Display Levels & Obstruction Values
Catalogue Requirements for Bounded Plate Notches
Sample Joints
Joint Names
Joint Type Codes
Sample Fittings
Fitting Names
Fitting Type Codes
Reference Grids
Create Grid World
Convert Grid System to Reference Grid
Convert Section, Joint and Fitting Elements
Convert Sections
Convert Profile Specification
Automatic Hierarchy Defaults
SDNF Export/Import
Export to SDNF
Import from SDNF
Technical Information
SDNF - Structural Steel Detailing Neutral File Format
Recommended SDNF File Suffix
SDNF File Header Information
Member ID Numbers at SDNFv3
Linear Member Cutbacks
Cardinal Points
Default Orientations
Cross Reference Models
Cross Database Working
Issues Concerning Entity Comparison
Transfer of Curved Members
Version Numbers
Sample SDNF File
Import Log Files
Brief Format
Verbose Format
Sample Validity Check Log File
SDNF Environment
Upgrade a Project for SDNF
Customise SDNF
Internal Mapping Files
External Mapping Files