Structural Design User Guide

SDNF Export/Import : Internal Mapping Files
If you change any of the internal mapping files, you must reload the Model user interface from macros. Alternatively you can use the Re-initialise menu option on the main SDNF Import and Export windows. You should then resave the binary UI.
The first part of this identifier text is either the three-letter name of the project, for example, TST for the TST000 project, or ANY, signifying a companywide table for any AVEVA project.
Environment variable ‘$nnnn' not understood. - The interface cannot determine the meaning of %nnnn% in the mapping file.
There is no Model value before the asterisk. For unset CTYA values Default Connection is mapped into the output file.
Thus, when the interface meets a replacement text which has ‘macro’ as its first word, a macro of the defined name is searched for under the %PMLLIB% search path. The macro file name must be completely in lowercase and end in .pmlfnc, according to PML conventions. The macro takes no arguments, as there are no means of transferring them in this situation, and it returns the character string to be inserted into the SDNF file. For example, the interface searches for a macro file baseplate.pmlfnc.
The lines are * separated pairs (with no spaces), only the first value of which is used internally. The second value can be for information, as these files are listed as comments in the exported SDNF file. The first value of each entry must be the country coding for the profile standards, as recorded in the external Profile mapping files and as suggested in the section discussing the format of the Profile mapping files.
A project-specific mapping file for the TST project might look like:
A company-specific file for ANY project might look like:

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