Panels (only available with panelled handrails selected as the CE).
The used handrail components determines which tabs of the Modify Handrail Components window are populated and are available for selection.
The Modify Handrail Components window allows you to modify the gate components for the handrail. The
Gates tab is populated with a list of all the gates which are used for handrails, along with other details.
From the Details part of the
Modify Handrail Components window, you can modify the Specification, Justification and Horizontal Offset of the gate.
From the Spec drop-down list, select the specification from the displayed list, the gate is modified to reflect the change in specification. For example - the gate becomes a shallow narrow gate or a chain.
From the Justify drop-down list, select a justification from the displayed list.
To modify the horizontal offset of the gate element, click Modify Properties to display the
Modify Properties window.
Input the horizontal offset into the Horizontal Offset field or use the 3D view, click
Measure Horizontal Offset, the
Positioning Control window displays, you are prompted to
Measure property dimension start (Distance [0]Snap):. Once the selection has been made, you are prompted to
Measure property dimension end (Distance [0] Snap):
Click OK to commit to the changes.
Click Default to return the horizontal offset back to the default.
Click Reset to return the horizontal offset back to its original position.
Click Cancel to discard any inputs and close the
Modify Properties window.
The Modify Handrail Components window allows you to modify the post components for the handrail. The
Posts tab is populated with a list of all the posts which are used for handrails, along with other details. By default no post is selected.
To select and modify a single post, from the Posts part of the
Modify Handrail Components window, select the post to be modified from the populated list. The window is populated with the details of the selected post and a graphical representation of the post is displayed.
The Details part of the
Modify Handrail Components window allows you to modify the details and attributes of the selected post.
To modify the specification of the selected post, from the Spec drop-down list, select the required specification, the selected post is amended to reflect the change in specification. For example, the mid post becomes a corner post.
To modify the justification line of the selected post, from the Justify drop-down list, select
Centre, Forward, Back, Right and Left.
ZDistance - The horizontal distance from the start point (Post 1) along the RPATH to the selected handrail.
Select the Drag Rail Ends check box to move the rail end when an end post is nudged.
Select the Drag Kickplate Ends check box to move the rail end when an end post is nudged.
Spacing - The distance from the previous handrail post. If required, modify the spacing distance.
Delete Duplicates - Select the check box to delete duplicate posts that are located at the same position.
ZOffset - The vertical distance from the route path to the post. The position of the post also depends on the selected justification. The post position for a handrail is taken from the assembly. If required modify the Z Offset.
XOffset - The horizontal distance from the route path to the post in the assembly. The selected posts position for the handrail is taken from the assembly. If required, modify the X Offset.
Click Cancel to close the
Modify Handrail Components window.
You are prompted to Pick POST to display. Once selected in the 3D view, the Modify Handrail Components window is populated with details of the selected post. Modify details and attributes as required.
You are prompted to Pick the position to insert post (Distance [0]) Snap: once selected in the 3D view, the Modify Handrail Components window is populated with details of the selected post. Modify details and attributes as required.
A Confirm window displays: Delete the selected posts.
The Modify Handrail Components window allows you to modify the termination components for the handrail. The
Terminations tab is populated with a list of all the terminations which are used for handrails, along with other details.
The Details part of the
Modify Handrail Components window allows you to modify the details and attributes of the selected termination
To modify the specification of the selected termination, from the Spec drop-down list, select the required specification. The selected termination is modified to reflect the change in specification, for example the spacing pads become an end dee section.
To modify the justification line of the selected termination, from the Justify drop-down list, select
Centre, Forward, Back, Right and Left.
ZDistance - The horizontal distance from the start point along the RPATH to the selected termination.
ZOffset - The vertical distance from the route path to the termination, the position of the termination also depends on the selected justification. The termination position for a handrail is taken from the assembly.
XOffset - The horizontal distance from the route path to the termination in the assembly, the position of the selected termination for the handrail is taken from the assembly.
By default the Rail Xoffset check box is selected, this means the rail offset aligns with the XOffset.
Length (Cut Back) - the default (0mm) displays, in order to add terminations cut the rail, modify as required.
You are prompted to Pick TERM to display: Once selected in the 3D view, the Modify Handrail Components window is populated with details of the selected termination.
You are prompted to Pick point to position new termination: once selected in the 3D view, the Modify Handrail Components window is populated with details of the selected termination.
A Confirm window displays: Delete the selected Terminations.
Pick the new position in the 3D view, click Pick New Position, you are prompted to Pick new position for termination (Distance [0]) Snap:
The Modify Handrail Components window allows you to modify the rail components for the handrail. By default,
All Rails is selected and these populate the list of available rails.
The Details part of the
Modify Handrail Components window, allows you to modify the details and attributes of the selected rail.
To modify the specification of the selected rail, from the Spec drop-down list, select the required specification. The selected rail is modified to reflect the change in specification, for example a circular rail becomes a square rail.
ZOffset above FFL- The vertical distance of the rail from the route path to the rail.
XOffset - The horizontal distance from the route path to the rail in the assembly, the position of the selected rail for the handrail is taken from the assembly.
Start Distance - the default start position displays in the
Start Distance field, to modify the Start Position, input a new distance into the
Start Distance filed, or select
Pick New Start Position, you are prompted to
Pick position (Distance [0]) Snap: and the
Positioning window also displays.
End Distance - the default end position displays in the
End Distance field, to modify the End Position, input a new distance into the
End Distance field, or select
Pick New End Position, you are prompted to
Pick position (Distance [0]) Snap: and the
Positioning window also displays.
The Modify Handrail Components window allows you to modify the kickplate components for the handrail. The
Kickplates tab is populated with a list of all the kickplates which are used for handrails, along with other details. By default no kickplate is selected.
The Details part of the
Modify Handrail Components window allows you to modify the default details and attributes of the selected kickplate.
To modify the specification of the selected kickplate, from the Spec drop-down list, select the required specification. The selected kickplate is modified to reflect the change in specification.
ZOffset above FFL- The vertical distance of the kickplate from the route path to the kickplate.
XOffset - The horizontal distance from the route path to the kickplate in the assembly, the position of the selected kickplate for the handrail is taken from the assembly.
Start Distance - the start position displays in the
Start Distance field, to modify the Start Position, input a new distance into the
Start Distance field, or select
Pick New Start Position, you are prompted to
Pick position (Distance [0]) Snap: and the
Positioning window also displays.
End Distance - the last position displays in the
End Distance field, to modify the End Position, input a new distance into the
End Distance field, or select
Pick New End Position, you are prompted to
Pick position (Distance [0]) Snap: and the
Positioning window also displays.
The Modify Handrail Components window allows you to modify the panel components for the handrail. The
Panels tab is populated with a list of all the panel assemblies which are used for handrails, along with other details. By default no panel is selected.
The Details part of the
Modify Handrail Components window allows you to modify the default details of the selected panel.
To modify the specification of the selected panel, from the Spec drop-down list, select the required specification. The selected panel is modified to reflect the change in specification.
To modify the justification line of the panel, from the Justify drop-down list, select
Centre, Forward, Back, Right and Left.
ZDistance - The horizontal distance from the start point along the RPATH to the selected panel, to modify:
ZOffset - The vertical distance of the panel from the route path.
XOffset - The horizontal distance from the route path to the panel, the position of the selected panel is taken from the assembly.
Length - The length of the panel (default) displays, modify as required.
Height - The height of the panel (default) displays, modify as required. The parameter cannot be modified for fixed panel handrails.
Rise - Only available to panel assemblies, it is the vertical distance of the panel from the RPATH when a panel assembly is used on a slope.
You are prompted to Pick PANE to display: Once selected in the 3D view, the Modify Handrail Components window is populated with details of the selected panel.
You are prompted to Pick position to insert panel (Distance [0]) Snap: once selected in the 3D view, the Modify Handrail Components window is populated with details of the selected panel.
A Confirm window displays: Delete the selected panel.