Click to close the Loop Vertex Editor window.
When Confirm is selected, you must click Modify at the bottom of the window to implement each modification. When Confirm is not selected, each modification is implemented immediately.
When Confirm is selected, you must confirm each deletion in order to complete the command. When Confirm is not selected, deletions are implemented immediately.
When Tag Edges is selected, each edge is tagged with the number of the vertex at its start.
When Display Axes is selected, the axes of the floor/screed are displayed at the first vertex.
When Free rotate is selected, groups of vertices can be orientated automatically when moved from one edge to another.
Allows the selection of an edge to be modified. The adjacent Edge area displays the current edge number.
Allows the selection of a vertex to be modified. The adjacent Vertex area displays the current vertex number.
Moves the Start vertex along the edge direction to align it through a picked position. Use the Positioning Control options to pick the required position. Refer to Positioning Control for further information. Alternatively, if a line is selected the End vertex is moved along the edge direction until it intersects the picked line. These operations can change the edge length.
Moves the End vertex along the edge direction to align it through a picked position. Use the Positioning Control options to pick the required position. Refer to Positioning Control for further information. Alternatively, if a line is selected the Start vertex is moved along the edge direction until it intersects the picked line. These operations can change the edge length.
Manipulates a fillet arc at the current loop vertex. When selected the Modified Arc window displays, the Loop Vertex Editor window becomes temporarily inactive.