Structural Design User Guide

Walls and Floors : Modify Floors : Modify Floor/Screed Definition
The Loop Vertex Editor window allows you to move, add and delete vertices, edges and arcs. The vertices can be expanded or contracted by a specified amount.
From the Loop Vertex Editor window, you can select these options.
Click to close the Loop Vertex Editor window.
When Confirm is selected, you must click Modify at the bottom of the window to implement each modification. When Confirm is not selected, each modification is implemented immediately.
When Confirm is selected, you must confirm each deletion in order to complete the command. When Confirm is not selected, deletions are implemented immediately.
When Tag Edges is selected, each edge is tagged with the number of the vertex at its start.
When Display Axes is selected, the axes of the floor/screed are displayed at the first vertex.
When Free rotate is selected, groups of vertices can be orientated automatically when moved from one edge to another.
Utilities > Remove coincident
The options in the Mode Selection part of the Loop Vertex Editor window allow the modification of a single vertex, an edge or a group of vertices.
Allows the selection of an edge to be modified. The adjacent Edge area displays the current edge number.
Allows the selection of a vertex to be modified. The adjacent Vertex area displays the current vertex number.
The Vertex/Edge part of the Loop Vertex Editor window contains a Select option and a counter that displays the current vertex or edge depending on the current mode. If Select edge to modify is selected, the counter label changes to Edge and the counter displays the current edge.
The Select vertex/edge option allows you to pick a vertex in the 3D view. The adjacent Vertex/Edge counter displays the current vertex/edge number which is also tagged in the 3D view. You can navigate to a specific vertex or edge by typing its number in the text box or by using the up/down arrows to step through the list.
When a group of vertices are modified, the options in the Group part of the Loop Vertex Editor window become active. These allow the modification of the current group.
The Expand/Contract part of the Loop Vertex Editor window expands or contracts a group as specified.
Expand Group moves each edge of the group outwards by the distance specified in the Expand/Contract text box normal to its own direction.
Contract Group moves each edge of the group inwards by the distance specified in the Expand/Contract text box normal to its own direction.
Select the Retain Fillet Radius check box to preserve the fillet radius of expanded/contracted curves. If the check box is not selected, the fillet radius of curves is expanded/contracted. The fillet radius is expanded/contracted if a curve has a positive fillet radius value. The fillet radius is not expanded/contracted if a curve has a negative or zero fillet radius value. If the fillet radius is too small for the boundary offset, the fillet radius is automatically modified to 0mm.
If an edge is modified, the functionality in the Line area become active. These options allow the modification of the current edge.
Moves the Start vertex along the edge direction to align it through a picked position. Use the Positioning Control options to pick the required position. Refer to Positioning Control for further information. Alternatively, if a line is selected the End vertex is moved along the edge direction until it intersects the picked line. These operations can change the edge length.
Moves the End vertex along the edge direction to align it through a picked position. Use the Positioning Control options to pick the required position. Refer to Positioning Control for further information. Alternatively, if a line is selected the Start vertex is moved along the edge direction until it intersects the picked line. These operations can change the edge length.
The options in the Rotate part of the Loop Vertex Editor window allows the rotation of groups of vertices in these ways:
Rotate anticlockwise rotates the edge anticlockwise, through the rotation angle specified in the Angle text box, about the reference end. The operation maintains the edge length.
Rotate clockwise rotates the edge clockwise, through the rotation angle specified in the Angle text box, about the reference end. The operation maintains the edge length.
The Modify part of the Loop Vertex Editor window enables you to perform operations on the current group selection.
Manipulates a fillet arc at the current loop vertex. When selected the Modified Arc window displays, the Loop Vertex Editor window becomes temporarily inactive.
The Vertex part of the Loop Vertex Editor window displays co-ordinate data about the current vertex, edge or group depending on the Selection Mode.
Edge co-ordinates are given for the start or end of the edge. An aid displays in the 3D view indicating which is the start and which is the end. By default the START edge displays in uppercase and the end displays in lowercase. Only the START is affected by any modifications made to the currently displayed co-ordinates.
Select End to display the END of the edge in uppercase and the start in lowercase. Modifications made to the currently displayed co-ordinates only affect the END.
The Aligned option displays both the START and END of the edge in uppercase.

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