Structural Design User Guide

Walls and Floors : Create Walls : Create Ring Wall
The Circle Definition part of the Ring Wall window, defines whether the wall is a full circle or a semi circle.
A Confirm window displays:
Click OK to replace the Define Ring Section, the Create Wall (Ring) window displays.
Or click No to close the Confirm window.
Refer to Create Ring Wall Explicitly for further information.
You must set the radius of the new ring wall, by default the radius is 1000.00mm. From the Settings part of the Create Wall (Ring) window, input the required radius for the wall in the Radius field.
From the Angles part of the Create Wall (Ring) window, set the angles for the start and finish positions of the wall segment (between 0 and 360). By default, the start angle is 0 and the end angle is 180. Then click Anti-clockwise or Clockwise.
From the Position and Orientation panes of the Create Wall (Ring) window:
Click Apply to create the ring wall, the wall displays in the 3D view and in the Model Explorer.
Or click Dismiss to discard information and close the Create Wall (Ring) window.

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