The Radius/Diameter flag (DFLAG) attribute controls whether the RADIUS or DIAMETER is evaluated by the AKEY attribute as well as whether the dimension line is drawn from the centre (Radius) or across the diameter (Diameter). The default setting is RADIUS.
The Dimension Text (DMTX) attribute has the initial setting #DIM, which gives the value of the dimension controlled by DLFAG. For example for AKEY RINS and DFLAG DIAM, the text ’#DIM’ will be evaluated as the inside diameter of the element identified. The resulting value will be output on the drawing in place of this codeword. #DIM is a simple case of
intelligent text. Refer to
Intelligent Text for further information.
The Dimension Line Angle (DDEG) attribute controls the angle at which the dimension line is shown, relative to the 2D coordinate system of the VIEW. The default value is 0 (horizontal in the VIEW). Note that this is only horizontal in the Sheet when the VIEW has RCOD UP. DDEG may be set explicitly or by using the cursor (i.e. DDEG @).
The Text Radius Flag (DTFLAG) attribute controls whether the text radius DTRAD is measured from the CENTRE, MIDPOINT or CIRCUMFERENCE of the radial dimension. The default setting is CENTRE. For radius dimensions, MIDPOINT is the midpoint between centre and circumference; for diameter dimensions MIDPOINT is the same as CENTRE.
The Text Radius (DTRAD attribute) is a signed distance (in Sheet units) that defines the radial position of the dimension text origin from the centre or circumference (according to the DTFLAG setting) of the dimensioned object. In the latter case, DTRA= 0 (the default value) means that the text origin is positioned at the 2D projection of the circumference of the object dimensioned.
The Dimension Text Angle (DTANGLE) attribute controls the Dimension text angle. Possible settings are:
The Dimension Text Offset (DTOF) attribute defines the displacement of the text position from the text radial position. DTOF is a 2-dimensional array attribute. DTOF(1) defines the displacement along the text path direction (i.e. Radial, Horizontal or Vertical depending on the DTANG setting), and DTOF(2) in the text ‘upvector’ direction. The default/initial value of DTOF is (0,0).
In all three DTANG cases, if the text lies inside the circumference, the direction in which DTOF(1) is applied is
reversed. DTOF(1) is always applied in the direction
away from the Circumference.
Thus for DTANG Horizontal and DDEG=45, when the text is outside the circumference then DTOF(1) adjusts text to the
right. However when text is
inside the circumference, then DTOF(1) adjusts text to the
The Dimension Style (DSTYLE) attribute, combined with DTANG, controls the overall dimension style. Possible settings are:
The LEADERLINE style shows a radial leaderline from the circumference to the text radial position. If the text is horizontal, then the leaderline will be extended horizontally to the text offset position. No dimension-line will be drawn.
Text underlining will be controlled by the Dimension Text Underlining attribute, DTUL. This indicates whether the leaderline is extended to underline the text or not. If DTUL is ON, the leaderline will always be extended to underline the text even if this causes it to pass through the text string. The line will be drawn through the text offset position - thus there will be
overlining for ALIG TBODY. DTUL is ignored for DSTYL DIMLINE unless the text radial position is outside the circumference. The default setting will be OFF.
Refer to Figure 11:28.: Example RDIMs in LEADERLINE Style for further information about the LEADERLINE style (all shown with DTUL ON).
The EXTERNAL style is a variant on the Dimline style. For Diameter dimensions, two short radial lines are drawn outwards from the circumference with terminators on the circumference. If the text radial position lies outside the circumference, then one line is extended to the text offset position (with optional text underlining).
For Radius dimensions with EXTERNAL style the appearance depends on the text radial position. If it lies inside the circumference, then a single short radial line is drawn
outwards from the circumference with a terminator on the circumference.
If the text radial position lies outside the circumference, then the dimension is drawn exactly the same as in the DIMLINE style except that the terminator direction is flipped to be outside the dimension line. Refer to
Figure 11:29.: Example RDIMs in EXTERNAL Style for further information about the EXTERNAL style (all shown with DTUL ON).