AVEVA CAF API Documenation

Aveva.ApplicationFramework.Presentation Namespace : ValueListDisplayStyle Enumeration
ValueListDisplayStyle Enumeration
Enumeration for specifying what property of a value list item will be displayed in each item of the DropDown list
public enum ValueListDisplayStyle : System.Enum 
public enum class ValueListDisplayStyle : public System.Enum 
DataValue Text associated with the data value is display in the drop down list.
DataValueAndPicture Text associated with the data value and also picture that a value list item's appearance object is assigned to will be displayed.
Default Default value list display style.
DisplayText Display text value assigned to the value list item will be displayed in each item of the drop down list.
DisplayTextAndPicture Display text and also picture that a value list item's appearance object is assigned to will be displayed.
Picture Only the picture will be displayed in each item of the drop down list.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows Server 2019 (64 bit), Windows Server 2016 R2 (64 bit), Windows 10 (64 bit)

See Also