AVEVA CAF API Documenation

Aveva.ApplicationFramework.Presentation Namespace : User32.GetWindow_Cmd Enumeration
User32.GetWindow_Cmd Enumeration
Values that represent get window commands.
public enum User32.GetWindow_Cmd : System.Enum 
public enum class User32.GetWindow_Cmd : public System.Enum 
GW_CHILD An enum constant representing the gw child option.
GW_ENABLEDPOPUP An enum constant representing the gw enabledpopup option.
GW_HWNDFIRST An enum constant representing the gw hwndfirst option.
GW_HWNDLAST An enum constant representing the gw hwndlast option.
GW_HWNDNEXT An enum constant representing the gw hwndnext option.
GW_HWNDPREV An enum constant representing the gw hwndprev option.
GW_OWNER An enum constant representing the gw owner option.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows Server 2019 (64 bit), Windows Server 2016 R2 (64 bit), Windows 10 (64 bit)

See Also