AVEVA CAF API Documenation

Aveva.ApplicationFramework.Presentation Namespace : DropDownArrowStyle Enumeration
DropDownArrowStyle Enumeration
Enumerator used to specify the style used to draw a popup tool's dropdown arrow. Also determines which part of the tool should be clicked to drop down the tool.
public enum DropDownArrowStyle : System.Enum 
public enum class DropDownArrowStyle : public System.Enum 
Default The tool is displayed in its default style.
None No dropdown arrow is displayed.
Segmented A standard downward-pointing dropdown arrow is displayed to the right of the tool's image and/or text in a separate boxed-off area when on a toolbar and a standard right-pointing arrow with a dividing line to the left of it is displayed when on a menu. Clicking on the arrow drops down the tool. Clicking on the image and/or text area fires the ToolClick event.
SegmentedStateButton A standard downward-pointing dropdown arrow is displayed to the right of the tool's image and/or text in a separate boxed-off area when on a toolbar and a standard right-pointing arrow with a dividing line to the left of it is displayed when on a menu. Clicking on the arrow drops down the tool. Clicking on the image and/or text area fires the ToolClick event and toggles the Checked state.
Standard A standard downward-pointing dropdown arrow is displayed to the right of the tool's image and/or text when on a toolbar, and a standard right-pointing arrow is displayed when on a menu.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows Server 2019 (64 bit), Windows Server 2016 R2 (64 bit), Windows 10 (64 bit)

See Also