Standard Reporting Reference Manual

Sorting and Totalling : Quantity
The template pipe_mto.tmp outputs a report which shows the quantity of each type of item with a given Detail Text. Hence the important relationship is between Column 2, Detail Text, and Column 5, Quantity.
Values are set to Sub for all the columns except Detail Text, where the 1st occurrence of each value is given.
Subtotals is set to 2 for the Quantity column, which means that items with the same Detail Text are totalled.
Sort Aa to zZ, Precedence 1.
Values set to Sub, Subtotals Off and Total Off.
Sort Aa to zZ, Precedence 2.
Values set to 1st, Subtotals Off and Total Off.
Values set to Sub, Subtotals Off and Total Off.
Values set to Sub, Subtotals set to 2 and Total Off.
Values set to Sub, Subtotals set to 2 and Total Off.

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