Reporting User Guide

Reference : Report Controls : Table Cell
The Table Cell control represents an individual cell within a Table.
In general, the Table Cell control's properties are similar to the properties of the Label control.
In the Property Grid, the Table Cell control's properties are divided into the following groups:
Displays the Formatting Rules Editor, used to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. Refer to Conditionally Change a Control's Appearance for further information.
Specifies the rotation angle of Table Cell text. The measurement unit is a degree, and the orientation is anticlockwise. Since standard HTML does not support text orientation, this parameter is ignored when a report is displayed within a web page.
When this property is set to Yes, a Table Cell’s height can be automatically increased, if required, to fit the text. If there are other controls below the current Table Cell, they will be pushed down to prevent them from overlapping. That if a control overlaps the growing Table Cell by even one pixel, it will not be pushed down by the expanded Table Cell.
When this property is set to Yes, and the text does not completely fill a Table Cell, then the Table Cell’s height will be decreased to the height of its text. If there are other controls below the current Table Cell, they will be moved up to fill the gap. That if a control overlaps the shrinking Table Cell by even one pixel, it will not be pushed up by the shrunk Table Cell.
Specifies whether the contents of a Table Cell can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if a Table Cell occupies more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this Table Cell should be split between the current page and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the Table Cell will be split despite this property's setting.
When this property is set to Yes, a Table Cell processes newline characters found in the text to start a new line. For example, when editing a Table Cell’s text, a new line can be inserted by pressing ENTER, and in this case, the Multiline property will be automatically set to Yes.
When this property is set to Yes, text entered into the multiline Label is wrapped to the next line if it does not fit the line or is interrupted by a newline character. If the property is set to No, text entered into the multiline Label will be displayed on the same line except where forced onto a new line by a newline character.
If the current report is bound to data, this property is used to bind some of a Table Cell’s properties (Bookmark, Navigation URL, Tag and Text) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. Refer to Display Values from a Database (Bind Report Elements to Data) for further information.
Provides access to the Text property of a Table Cell in the Multiline mode.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and from the Tag.Binding dropdown list, select the required data field.
Used to define a line of static text to be displayed. To type several lines of text, click the control's Smart Tag and in the displayed actions list, click Edit Text, or use the Lines property.
When a Table Cell is selected in the designer, a user may start typing the text, and it will be automatically entered into the in-place editor.
If the current report has a data source, the Text property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and from the Text.Binding dropdown list, select the required data field. Refer to Display Values from a Database (Bind Report Elements to Data) for further information.
Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, the Property Grid and via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and from the Bookmark.Binding dropdown list, select the required data field.
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks a Table Cell. The web browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property.
Cross-references can be created within the report by assigning the name of the target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to _self. Refer to Create Hyperlinks for further information.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and from the Navigation URL.Binding dropdown list, select the required data field.

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