Reporting User Guide

Reference : Report Controls : Table Row
The Table Row control represents a single row within a Table.
This control is used for changing the layout of an entire row. Although in this document, a Table Row is described as a separate control, most of its properties are actually applied to the cells contained within the selected row.
In the Property Grid, the Table Row control's properties are divided into the following groups:
Displays the Formatting Rules Editor, used to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. Refer to Conditionally Change a Control's Appearance for further information.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and from the Tag.Binding dropdown list, select the required data field.
Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, the Property Grid and via scripts.

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