The FORMAT object manages the information needed to convert the value of an object or type to a
STRING, and vice versa.
The FORMAT object for a specific data type is normally a global PML Variable used for all text gadgets of that type.
For example, you can create the FORMAT object for a
REAL object, so that a distance is displayed in
feet-and-inches with fractions (rather than decimals) with a maximum denominator of 4:
See the Software Customisation Reference Manual for more information on the
FORMAT object.
The TEXT gadget is created with type
REAL and assigned a
FORMAT object for converting values to and from text:
The display-text of 11' 6 will be shown in the text gadget.
To switch from displaying feet-and-inches to displaying
mm all that is necessary is to change the setting of the
units member of the format object
RealFMT from