PML Customisation User Guide

Gadget Set : Text Gadgets
To type into a text gadget on a form it must have the keyboard focus to receive the keystrokes typed by you. You can move the focus to another text gadget by selecting it with the mouse or stepping from one gadget to the next using the TAB key.
Specify the WIDTH, which determines the maximum number of character spaces visible. Optionally you may specify a larger SCROLL width, which is the maximum number of characters that the gadget can hold, and scroll through. The default scroll-width is 132 characters. The maximum is 256 characters.
Specify a data type using IS which determines how a value assigned to the gadget will be displayed and how a value typed by you will be interpreted by your PML code. You may also supply a FORMAT object which specifies in detail how a value is to be displayed or interpreted (see below).
Specify a NOECHO keyword that indicates any characters typed should be displayed as stars: a typical use would be a gadget for you to enter a password.
When a field is actioned its content is read and validated according to the field’s type (see Validating Input to Text Fields). If an error is detected, then the field’s background colour changes to gold to indicate an error and focus is returned to it so that you can correct the error. If no error was detected, the SELECT event is fired for the text field and the field's callback (if any) is executed.
The data type of the variable !Value will be the same as the type of the text gadget. To get the textual value use:

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