
Model Pipe : Pipe Splitting
Refer to SPOOL Reference Information for further information on spools. Pipe assemblies are used to aid in the splitting of pipes.
All of the tasks that are associated with the splitting of pipes is initiated from a central Split Pipe window which acts as a task hub. By default, the Split/Merge tab is selected.
Use the Details Options part of the Split Pipe window to add the pipe to be split to the Branches to Split list.
The prompt ‘Pick a pipe branch (or branches) to split ‘ is displayed in the status bar from the 3D graphical view of the pipework system.
Press esc to finish
In the Split Pipe Options part of the Split Pipe window, choose how the pipe is be split, dependent upon which option chosen determines what functionality is available for selection from the Split Pipe window.
Select Split Pipe on a Plane to display the relevant options in the Split Pipe window.
Use the Plane definition part of the Split Pipe window to define, position and create the cutting plane.
Input the required Plane size in the Plane Size field, to create and modify the plane, select Define Plane, select an design element on the 3D graphical view.
By default the PIPING discipline displays the plane as a filled representation centred around the defined plane origin. The on/off check box shows or hides the plane, however the on/off check box is automatically selected when the plane is modified.
To change how the plane is displayed, from the Plane definition part of the Split Pipe window. In the Plane Size field, increase the size of the plane and click to clear the Fill check box. The plane display is increased in size and as a wire line representation.
The plane can be positioned explicitly: from the Plane definition part of the Split Pipe window, enter the coordinates in the position fields, if required nudge the plane along with the left and right arrows. The nudge distance is controlled by the nudge increment which is set to 100mm by default. The plane direction can be changed by inputting a valid direction in the Plane Direction field.
Choose from a list of available assemblies in the Filter Assemblies By part of the Split Pipe window. The assemblies available for selection are those already created in the database, if the required assembly is not included, click Refresh to update the error list or refer to the system administrator.
Click Split to display the Confirm window, the split is labelled on the 3D graphical view.
If required, pipes can be split using a defined plane by directly picking pipes using the mouse cursor. Click ID Split and then use the mouse cursor to select pipes that are split relative to the existing plane. Esc must be pressed to exit this mode.
Click Flow to display the direction of flow for the selected pipe.
Click Undo to discard any inputs or Dismiss to close the Split Pipe window.
Use Split Pipes in Segments, to split a single branch into segments of a user-defined length between components or features picked on the 3D graphical view (at each split, the choose pipe assembly is inserted). Select Split Pipes into a Segments from the Split Pipe Options on the Split Pipe window to display the relevant options.
In the Split Pipe Length drop-down list select Segment Length or Cut Pipe Length:
Segment Length: allows the pipes to be split into segments of a particular length between selected components or selected features that are adjacent to the pipe. The split is made by inserting pipe assemblies into the branch. Tube length around bends and elbows is calculated as the centreline length.
Cut Pipe Length: (Used for spool length): allows the pipes to be cut at a particular length between selected components or selected features that are adjacent to the pipe. The cut is made by inserting pipe assemblies into the branch. Tube length around bends and elbows is calculated as the centreline length.
Minimum Final Tube Length - restricts the length of the final tube to the final length value. If the final tube length is below this value, the previous spools are adjusted to make the final length within its tolerance.
Input the following dimensions to the pipe in the Split Pipe Length part of the Split Pipe window:
The downstream components at each split may be inserted into the existing branch, a new branch or a new pipe depending on what is chosen from the Move down-stream components to part of the Split Pipe window. If a new branch or pipe is requested, the new items are given a default name based on the pipe name.
Select the assemblies to insert into the branch where the split occurs, refer to Pipe Assemblies and Assembly Build Origin for further information. Click Split to split selected pipes using components (refer to Component Picking for further information) or selected features adjacent to the pipe (refer to Feature Picking for further information).
To make a split using picked components, the prompt ‘identify start of range selection to select:’ is displayed in the status bar of the 3D graphical view, to start of the range.
After making the selection, the prompt ‘identify end of range selection to select:’ is displayed in the status bar of the 3D graphical view, to end the range. Once the range has been identified, the software then automatically selects the required generic type component in the current specification. If there is a choice of component and the specification does not have a default, the Message window displays.
Click OK to display the CHOOSE window.
Click OK to select the alternative component and close the CHOOSE window or CANCEL to close the CHOOSE window and stop the splitting process.
To make a split using picked features adjacent to the pipe (for example - reference to other parts of the model such as structural steelwork). The prompt ‘identify branch to split’ is displayed in the status bar at the bottom left hand corner of the 3D graphical view. After making the selection, the prompt ‘Pick the starting component’ is displayed, this can be a component or a feature, this is then labelled as the start and the current direction of flow displays. It is possible to split from either end of a pipe.
The prompt ‘Pick the ending component or <esc> to split branch:’ is displayed after making the selection, the prompt ‘identify section of branch where split will intersect’ is displayed.
Click OK to display the CHOOSE window.
Click OK to select the alternative component and close the CHOOSE window or CANCEL to close the CHOOSE window and stop the splitting process.
Click Flow to display the current direction of flow, Undo to discard any changes in the 3D graphical view or Dismiss to close the Split Pipe window.
To make a split by moving a component, select Split pipe by moving component from the Split Pipe Option part of the Split Pipe window. Once the selection has been made, where to move the components down-stream of the split (selection) must be selected. After selecting to where to move down-stream components. Click Split.
The prompt ‘identify branch to split’ is displayed in the status bar at the bottom left hand corner of the 3D graphical view. After making the selection, the prompt ‘Pick the piping component’ is displayed.
From the Perform Commands part of the Split Pipe window, click Merge, the prompt ‘Pick a Piping component - source element’ is displayed in the status bar at the top left hand corner of the 3D graphical view. The section is highlighted in red, after making the selection the prompt ‘Pick Piping Component - target element’ is displayed.
Click Flow to display the current direction of flow, Undo to discard any inputs or Dismiss to close the Split Pipe window.

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