Use the dual purpose window Slope Pipe window to view the details of the CE and if required define and apply a slope to any number of branches contained within the pipe element.
The Pipe Details pane of the
Slope Pipe window displays the CE, the slope reference, the slope angle, the direction of the slope and the slope format.
Select a slope gradient from the Slope Reference drop-down list to display a preview of the slope in the 3D Preview Pane.
Alternatively, input a slope value into the Slope field and select the slope direction from the slope drop-down list.
Select a slope angle from the Slope Format drop-down list, the defined
Slope Format displays in the
Slope field.
Click to check the Slope individual legs check box to apply a slope to an individual branch leg. Any previously calculated slope is removed from the
3D Preview Pane display.
The Branch Legs pane of the
Slope Pipe window displays a numbered list of the branches and the components within the current pipe. In addition to the start and finish component for the branch leg, the list includes the length of the leg and the fall of the leg when the slope is applied. Vertical branch legs are not sloped and therefore always have a drop of zero.
During the sloping process the Slope Pipe window lists the components selected for modification which produce a warning or caution. Click
Error Messages have been generated by the slope calculation to view the details of the error.
Once an entry has been selected from the list of available legs, the Branch leg pane of the
Slope Pipe window is automatically populated with the functionality to anchor the selected branch leg and if available modify the slope. The pictorial representation of the CE is automatically labelled.
Select the Slope leg check box to specify that the selected branch leg to be sloped, or select to uncheck the
Slope leg check box to force the selected branch leg to be horizontal.
Specify the values for the slope, type the slope directly into the Slope field, the default slope format is defined from the selected
Slope format in the
Pipe Details pane of the
Slope Pipe window. The
Fall field is automatically populated with the correct value for the slope. These fields can be populated the other way round if required.
The Anchors pane of the
Slope Pipe window displays a numbered list of the branch legs within the current pipe. In addition to the anchor type, the list includes the component/distance for the branch leg, the point and the offset for the anchor.
When the Component anchor types is selected, the
Anchors pane of the
Slope Pipe window is automatically updated with further fields requiring input.
The Component drop-down list identifies the component to which the anchor is to be positioned.
The Point drop-down list determines where on the picked component the anchor is to be positioned, select
Centre or
When the Position anchor type is selected, the
Anchors pane of the
Slope Pipe window is automatically updated with further fields requiring user input.
The Point drop-down list determines where on picked component the anchor is to be positioned, select
Centre or