AVEVA Global User Guide
Setting up a Global Project
Creating Update Events
: Managing Scheduled Updates
Managing Scheduled Updates
A scheduled update between two locations exchanges updates for all databases allocated to those locations. It is not necessary to have separate scheduled updates at both locations.
Use single update timer to control several updates ‑ for example at 10:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 23:00 on Mon, Tues and Fri only.
Where using more than one update timer, schedule them to start at different times to avoid contention on the Global database.
For example, if two updates to different satellites were both required at about 12:00, one should be started at say 12:02.
At Global 2.4, the scheduled update sends the update command to the partner location to be executed there. This enables the update to be reported at both locations. At the originator (ABC), the scheduled update is reported under user TIMEDUPDATES/ABC. At the destination, the scheduled update is reported under REMOTEDAEMON/ABC (and hence may be difficult to distinguish from other remote commands).
Schedule updates to allow time for general housekeeping activities, such as database merging. For example, set up scheduled updates to run only between Monday and Saturday to allow merges to take place on Sundays.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.