Running Global Projects
Suggested Housekeeping Guidelines for Projects
Database File Locks
Locating and Closing Locked and/or Open Database Files
: Removing Users
Removing Users
After a session has been illegally exited, either deliberately or due to an unexpected system fault, the Users who were accessing the databases may be left as phantom users (also known as dead users) in the system. To clear these users from the databases and release their claims the Administrator can use the Expunge syntax for all users or specific db’s (see ADMIN Command Reference manual for details of all Expunge options, including how to set the Overwrite DB Users option to allow non-foreign projects to copy over locked files provided there are no users recorded in the COMMS db. Overwriting is disabled by default because it may cause sessions of “dead” users to crash).
You can use the ADMIN Module for this also.
To force live “rogue” users out of the system who have not followed the request to leave the system before Admin work is carried out, the Expunge User Process can be used. This will not stop the process on the Workstation but it will sever the link with the database file and the next time the user tries to access the process (Module Window) it will crash. After the Expunge User Process has been done it is common practice to then use Expunge All Users to remove any lingering phantom users and release all claims.
However, it is necessary after the Expunge processes (or other illegal exits) to make sure that the database files have not been locked by Windows or left open and they should be closed so that further work in the databases can be done. As the files normally reside on a separate File Server, administration access to that server will be required.
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