Running Global Projects
Suggested Housekeeping Guidelines for Projects
: Database File Locks
Database File Locks
On occasion there may be circumstances where after a piece of Administration work such as session merging, the database file has been found to be locked by the Windows Operating System. To resolve file locks, the Administrator has two options:
Reboot the computer where the databases reside (this assumes the Administrator has the privilege to do this, for a lot of cases this is not a practical solution).
Resolve file locks using a specific tool as described in
admnew Files
Also note that if the project is not used as a foreign project, you have a third choice in the Overwrite DB Users flag, which is the LCPOVW attribute of the LOC element.
This attribute controls whether a ‘locked’ file at a location may be overwritten. If this attribute is set TRUE and there are no database READERS in the project, then Global will overwrite the ‘locked’ file by the .admnew file.
Do not do this if other projects include this database as a foreign project, since these are valid READERS that are not recorded in the session data for the Global project.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.