.NET Customisation
User Guide
.NET Customisation
Sample Code
: NetGridExample
Installation for this example is exactly the same as with previous examples (see 1.2.1 or 1.2.2). After following these instructions, enter the module you want to use and, once loaded, bring up the customisation window. This example differs to the Attributes browser as it doesn't create a command, so in order to load the grid you need to create a state button as before, but the command is done differently. Open the command dialog by clicking on the "…" button to the right of the field. For the type, select
Command Class
and for the class select
, finally click
. Next click on the "…" button in the Arguments field and select the
Void .ctor(System.String)
constructor. For the window key, enter
Grid Control Addin
and then click
to close the dialog.
Once this has been done, close the customisation window and click on the new statebutton. The grid control window should appear just like any other form.
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