Reference Manual
Opening and Accessing Laser Models
: Importing Models
Importing Models
LMI [DRI/VER {string}] IMPORT {mname}
driver name and connection details in the following format, enclosed in single quotes:{name} string}]]
{name}[|{path to dll}[|{vendor’s connect string}]]
model name enclosed in single quotes
This command creates a new XGEOM element to represent the selected model, and opens the model in the vendor driver.
The current element must be at or below a ZONE: if at a ZONE, the XGEOM will be created as the first element in the list; if below a ZONE the XGEOM will be created as the next element in the ZONE list. The new XGEOM becomes the current element.
After creating the XGEOM, the following actions occur:
the XGEOM’s VENID attribute is set to {string}
the XGEOM’s MODID attribute is set to the vendor defined model name (i.e. the name necessary to access the model in the vendor’s database without using the browse function)
the XGEOM’s DATIM attribute is set to the current time
the model is opened in the vendor driver
the spatial map is calculated, and stored below the XGEOM (as XCLTN, XCELS and XCELL elements).
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.