Weld Tables include all welds on the isometric (by weld number or by full identifier of weld prefix and number), and information chosen by the user to appear in the columns they define. For each column on the table the user can specify title, which weld attribute/UDA should be used to fill the column, column width and the order the columns appear on the table. The user can select a single attribute, used to sort the table either forward or backward, by using the POSITION WELDTABLE command. The default choice is the weld number. If the user chooses another attribute, ISODRAFT sorts the information first by the chosen attribute, and then by weld number. If set, Additional Weld (AWELD) attributes can appear in the weld table.
Bending Tables show bend data on the isometric. This is made up of a schematic drawing of the bend (dimensioned and annotated), followed by the table showing relevant lengths, radii and angles. The user can output such bending tables as an ASCII file which can then be used to transfer data to a bending machine. The user controls this using the POSITION BENDTABLE command.
Revision Tables show the history of the drawing, and can be defined to include the originators of the drawing, the checking procedures and so on. The UDAs shown in the table could be at a pipe, branch or drawing level. For this the user uses the POSITION REVISIONTABLE command.
System Tables include the pipe attributes for a for a drawing or system isometric. The user can show pipe attributes (including the name) and UDAs in the table. This table is defined using the POSITION SYSTEMTABLE command.