ISODRAFT Reference Manual

Command Reference Section : Alphabetical Command Reference : SKEWBOX
Any skewed sections of piping, whether or not they involve a fall, can be represented either by full boxes (2D or 3D; refer to FALLSKEWS command) or by triangles.
Standard dimensioning shows the horizontal and vertical dimension lines of the triangle standing out from the sides of the triangle. Non-standard dimensioning shows the dimension characters positioned along the sides of the triangle itself. The default is standard dimensioning.
The default standout distances for the two types of dimensioning are:
>- SKEWbox -+-- FULL ----.
            |            |
            ‘- TRIangle -+- NSTD --. .-----------------------------------------.
                         |         |/                                          |
                         ‘---------*- HATCH -+- <uval> -+- PART/IAL -+- <uval>-|
                                   |         |          |            |         |
                                   |         |          |            ‘- OFF ---|
                                   |         |          |                      |
                                   |         |          ‘----------------------|
                                   |         |                                 |
                                   |         |-- OFF --------------------------|
                                   |         |                                 |
                                   |         |-- DEFault ----------------------|
                                   |         |                                 |
                                   |         ‘---------------------------------|
                                   |                                           |
                                   |-- STANdout --+-- <uval> ------------------|
                                   |              |                            |
                                   |              |-- DEFault -----------------|
                                   |              |                            |
                                   |              ‘----------------------------|
                                   |                                           |
                                   |-- TAGS ------+-- ANGles --.               |
                                   |              |            |               |
                                   |              |-- HV ------|               |
                                   |              |            |               |
                                   |              |-- ON ------|               |
                                   |              |            |               |
                                   |              ‘-- OFF -----+---------------|
                                   |                                           |

1974 to current year. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.