Commands are shown in a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, where the capital letters indicate the minimum abbreviation.
This convention does not mean that the second part of the command must be typed in lowercase letters; commands can be typed in any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Command arguments are shown in lowercase letters. These are just descriptions of what needs to be typed. For example:
Points marked with a plus sign (+) are option junctions which allows the user to input any one of the commands to the right of the junction. For example:
means the user can type in ABC or PQR or any command allowed by the syntax given in diagram <dia> or just press Enter to get the default option.
Points marked with an asterisk (*) are loop back junctions. Command options following these may be repeated as required. For example:
means that the use can enter any combination of option1 and/or option2 and/or option3, where the options can be commands, other syntax diagrams, or command arguments.
Names in lowercase letters enclosed in angled brackets (e.g. <gid>) represent subsidiary syntax diagrams. Most of the subsidiary syntax diagrams are given in the Software Customisation Guide. The only ones used in this manual are <gid> and <uval>.
The full range of options for <gid> are shown in the Command Reference Section of the Software Customisation Guide. They apply only to database navigation operations.
where <expres> is another subsidiary diagram representing the range of mathematical expressions which can be used to input values, and text represents a user-defined unit of measurement. Using expressions in AVEVA E3D™ is described in the Software Customisation Guide.