BENDING TABLES can be produced using the BENDTABLE command. This creates a sketch showing a schematic of a bend, annotated to show the various bend parameters, and a table giving the appropriate lengths, radii and angles for pulled bends appearing on that drawing. If needed, the user can output the data as an ASCII file for transfer to a bending machine.
Drawing History Tables can be included using the REVISIONTABLE command. This produces a detailed history of the drawing (for example dates, descriptions, who drew and approved the drawing and so on). Details for up to ten revisions of the isometric will be included (numbered 0 to 9). Only UDAs can be selected for the table, and each UDA represents a family (for example, :REV0 means subsequent table entries will be taken from :REV0, :REV1, :REV2 and so on until an unset attribute is found.
Design Conditions Tables are available through the SYSTEMTABLE command. These apply to system isometrics or drawings as defined by the SPOOL module. For each column a pipe attribute or UDA can be selected (refer to tabledef syntax description). If a SHORTCODE is defined it will be used to label the divisions between pipes on a drawing (a shortcode of L will label pipes as L1, L2 etc.). This shortcode can be included in the table against the pipe name. Also, the user can specify delimiter characters for pipe name prefix and suffix. If the user selects either or both delimiters for a name, the prefix or suffix will be stripped off before outputting the pipe name to the table. Therefore, two pipes forming one line on the P&ID, bearing the same basic name but with different area code suffixes, will appear as a single name in the table.
Weld Tables can be included by using the WELDTABLE command, and this also allows the user to create a Weld Report File.
Dynamic Detail Area PLOT Files can be included using the DETAILPLOTS command. These can show details of any particular item of interest on the isometric (welded supports, drain and vent assemblies, complex manifolds etc.).
xyoff defines the x and y offsets between the columns and rows for positioning attributes on system isometrics, as follows:
uval is a dimension in either the current or specified units. For example:
reltxt positions the specified corner of the new text relative to the specified corner of the previous text by the X and Y offset distances. The syntax for this is:
- BL -| Where: BL = bottom left
| BR = bottom right - BR -| TL = top left | TR = top right - TL -| | - TR -+- RELto -+- BL -. | | |- BR -| | | |- TL -| | | ‘- TR -+- XOFF -value-|- YOFF -value-|- CHARH -value-+- BOX -. | | | | +-------| ‘-----------------------------------------------------+-> |
tab defines the number of rows and columns in the table and the order in which they are filled:
tabledef defines the headings and contents for the production of user defined tables.
>-+- COLumn number -+- HEADing--. | | | | | |-----------------+-----------+--text--. | | | | | | | ‘- NOHeading---------+--FILL--. | | | | | | |--------+--attribute--. | | | | | | | | ‘--SHORTcode--| | | | | | | ‘--EMPty-----------------WIdth value--| |
where number is the number of the column the user wants to define, text is the column heading (in inverted commas), attribute is any attribute name and value is the column width in characters.
possiz allows the user to position the table:
direcn gives a direction for future detail plots:
CHARHeight value is the character height in mm. The default size is 2.1mm, while the minimum size is 1.4mm.
sortby is:
Q TEXTPOSitions text
Gives the actual string value for the item at position n in the list.
Q TEXTPOSitions TEXT text
Gives actual attribute of item in position n in the list.
Gives the attribute at position n in the list.