ISODRAFT Reference Manual

Command Reference Section : Alphabetical Command Reference : MATERIALLIST
Allows the user to control whether the material list is shown on the isometric, and alter the display format if required.
If the user are using the PARTNUMBERS FROMDB option the user can define their own material list format. The user can specify which items appear on the list, and in what order they appear. The TABLEDEFINITION command allows the user to control the content, nature and order of standard column details in the material list. The user can also define additional columns (using the commands TABLEDEFINITION COLUMNNUMBER text attribute). In this fashion the user can define the additional column title, which SPCOM or component attribute or UDA will be used as data to fill the column, the column width and the order it will be shown on the list. A remarks column may be included for the cutting list remarks, since each piece of tube is listed separately.
Plots a separate material list on every drawing sheet, listing only items drawn on that sheet.
Plots, on the first drawing sheet, a single material list for the whole pipe line or system.
/                                                                      |
 >-MATEriallist-*- ON* -.                                                               |
                |       |                                                               |
                |- OFF -+---------------------------------------------------------------|
                |                                                                       |
                |- LEFT* -.                                                             |
                |         |                                                             |
                |- RIGHT -+-------------------------------------------------------------|
                |                                                                       |
                |- CHARHeight - value --------------------------------------------------|
                |                                                                       |
                |- LSPAcing - integer --------------------------------------------------|
                |                                                                       |
                |- CODE - integer ------------------------------------------------------|
                |                                                                       |
                |- DESCriptions* -------------------------------------------------------|
                |                                                                       |
                |- NODEscriptions ------------------------------------------------------|
                |c                        |
                |- GRIDlines -+- ON* -.                                                 |
                |             |       |                                                 |
                |             ‘- OFF -+-------------------------------------------------|
                |- TRUNnionplatecategory -+- FITTING* -.                                |
                | | | |
|                         ‘- SUPPORT --+--------------------------------|
                |- TABLEdefinition -+---------------------------------------------------|
                |                   |                                                   |
                |                   ‘- COLumn val -+- PARTnumber --------------------.  |
                |                                  |                                 |  |
                |                                  |- DEScription -------------------|  |
                |                                  |                                 |  |
                |                                  |- BORe --------------------------|  |
                |                                  |                                 |  |
                |                                  |- ITEMcode ----------------------|  |
                |                                  |                                 |  |
                |                                  |- QUANtity -+- IN -+- <munits> --|  |
                |                                  |            |                    |  |
                |                                  |            ‘--------------------|  |
                |                                  |                                 |  |
                |                                  |- REMarks -+- AND -+- <remarks> -|  |
                |                                  |           |                     |  |
                |                                  |           ‘---------------------|  |
                |                                  |                                 |  |
                |                                  ‘- <other> -----------------------+--|
                |- PARTNumbers -+- PERSPool -.                                          |
                |               |            |                                          |
                |               ‘------------+-- FROMDB ---+-- SEParate ----------.     |
                |                            |             |                      |     |
                |                            |             |-- TOTalled ----------|     |
                |                            |             |                      |     |
                |                            |             ‘-- PIPEonlyseparate --+-----|
                |                            |                                          |
                |                            ‘ - GENerated -----------------------------|
                |- DUMMy* --.                                                           |
                |           |                                                           |
                |- OVER ----+-----------------------------------------------------------|
                |           |                                                           |
                |           |--- SUFFix ---+--------------------------------------------|
                |           |              |                                            |
                |           ‘--------------+--- SINGle ---------------------------------|
                |- DRWG* --.                                                            |
                |          |                                                            |
                ‘- LINE ---+------------------------------------------------------------+-->
   /                                                                         |
--*- attribute -+- FROMSPcom -.                      .-----------.           |
                |             |                     /            |           |
                ‘-------------+- ON -+- component -*             |           |
                                     |             |             |           |
                                     |- TUBE ------|             |           |
                                     |             |             |           |
                                     |- BOLT ------+- component -|           |
                                     |             |             |           |
                                     |             |- TUBE ------|           |
                                     |             |             |           |
                                     |             |- BOLT ------’           |
                                     |             |                         |
                                     ‘- ALL -------+- nl  -------------------|
                                                   |                         |
<other> is -+- HEADing -.
            |           |
            |-----------+- text -.
            |                    |
            ‘- NOHeading --------+- attribute -+- FROMSPcom -|
                                 |             |             |
                                 |             ‘-------------|
                                 ‘- WEIGHT -+- TOTAL FABRICATION -.
                                            |                     |
      ‘--+- TOTAL ERECTION -.
         |                  |
         ‘------------------+- TOTAL COMBINED -.
                            |                  |
                            ‘------------------+- Factor --value --|
                                               |                   |
      ‘--+- TubeFactor -- value --.
         |                        |
         ‘------------------------+-- WROUND OFF --.
                                  |                |
                                  +-- WROUND ON ---|
                                  |                |

where WROUND ON indicates that, if a tube length is rounded-up, the corresponding tube weight is rounded-up accordingly.

1974 to current year. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.