Allows the user to control whether the material list is shown on the isometric, and alter the display format if required.
If a material list is too long to fit onto one sheet it will normally be continued on a dummy sheet. This sheet will be identified DRG n OF m and will contain only the overflow of the material list. This is the default.
If the user are using the PARTNUMBERS FROMDB option the user can define their own material list format. The user can specify which items appear on the list, and in what order they appear. The TABLEDEFINITION command allows the user to control the content, nature and order of standard column details in the material list. The user can also define additional columns (using the commands TABLEDEFINITION COLUMNNUMBER text attribute). In this fashion the user can define the additional column title, which SPCOM or component attribute or UDA will be used as data to fill the column, the column width and the order it will be shown on the list. A remarks column may be included for the cutting list remarks, since each piece of tube is listed separately.
Long list continued on separate drawing sheet, with no isometric plot on it. Single sheets not numbered. Multiple sheets numbered ‘1 of n’, ‘2 of n’ etc. This is the default.
Long list continued on separate drawing sheet, which has no isometric plot on it. Single sheets not numbered. Multiple sheets numbered ‘1 of n’, ‘1A of n’ (for the sheet with the material list only), ‘2 of n’ etc
Long list continued to the right of the preceding list on the same drawing sheet. Sheets numbered ‘1 of n’, ‘2 of n’ etc. Single sheets numbered ‘1 of 1’.
/ | >-MATEriallist-*- ON* -. | | | | |- OFF -+---------------------------------------------------------------| | | |- LEFT* -. | | | | |- RIGHT -+-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |- CHARHeight - value --------------------------------------------------| | | |- LSPAcing - integer --------------------------------------------------| | | |- CODE - integer ------------------------------------------------------| | | |- DESCriptions* -------------------------------------------------------| | | |- NODEscriptions ------------------------------------------------------| |c | |- GRIDlines -+- ON* -. | | | | | | ‘- OFF -+-------------------------------------------------| |- TRUNnionplatecategory -+- FITTING* -. | | | | | | ‘- SUPPORT --+--------------------------------| |- TABLEdefinition -+---------------------------------------------------|
| | | | ‘- COLumn val -+- PARTnumber --------------------. | | | | | | |- DEScription -------------------| | | | | | | |- BORe --------------------------| | | | | | | |- ITEMcode ----------------------| | | | | | | |- QUANtity -+- IN -+- <munits> --| | | | | | | | | ‘--------------------| | | | | | | |- REMarks -+- AND -+- <remarks> -| | | | | | | | | ‘---------------------| | | | | | | ‘- <other> -----------------------+--| |- PARTNumbers -+- PERSPool -. | | | | | | ‘------------+-- FROMDB ---+-- SEParate ----------. | | | | | | | | |-- TOTalled ----------| | | | | | | | | ‘-- PIPEonlyseparate --+-----| | | | | ‘ - GENerated -----------------------------| |- DUMMy* --. | | | | |- OVER ----+-----------------------------------------------------------| |
This allows attributes or UDAs to be taken from the catalogue or from the component, where component is one of the following: