Reference Manual
Command Reference Section
Alphabetical Command Reference
Allows the user to output a bolt report containing equivalent information to that contained in the material list.
BOLTREPORT generates a material list file relevant to bolting. It is unnecessary to have all the piping geometry correct before creating a report, but the pipes must be populated with flanges and flanged components.
It is vital to have connectivity correct before generating the report to make sure that all pipes are fully scanned.
The user can include positional information in the report, consisting of the centrelines of associated flanges in the coordinate system (as defined by the AXES command).
Bolting reports can be produced even if the user has turned material lists off (with the MATEriallist OFF command).
If the user specifies a filename for the report using the BOLTFILE command the information will be output to an ASCII file. Otherwise the report will be sent to the screen.
Finally, the user should note that in the material list the bolt diameter is output in the units determined by the UNITS option, and the bolt length inserted in the itemcode and description is output in units determined by the BOLTING UNITS option (this is because all items in the material list must take the same diameter units). The bolting report, however, does not have this restriction. That is, the units of the diameter of the bolt are determined by the BOLTING UNITS option.
The report will contain the following information:
Diameter in mm or inches (determined by the BOLTING UNITS command)
Length in mm or inches (determined by the BOLTING UNITS command)
Itemcode (format defined by options settings, not truncated)
Description (unless MATERIALLIST NODESCRIPTIONS has been set)
Position (if requested in the BOLTREPORT syntax)
Quantity for erection and/or quantity for fabrication materials. The quantity will be summated if the diameter, length and itemcode are identical. Erection and fabrication quantities are summated separately.
Outputs a bolting report for PIPE-1.
Outputs a bolting report for all pipes in the detail list, including positional information.
Related Commands
Command Syntax
| |
>-- BOLTReport --+---------+---- <gid> --------|
| | |
‘-- ALL --+-- WITH POSition --|
| |
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