DRAW Reference Manual
Section Planes
Create and Use Planes
: Perpendicular Plane (PPLA)
Perpendicular Plane (PPLA)
A PPLA has a single attribute POS which defines the 3D point through which the plane passes, the retained side being that towards which the VIEW direction points. The orientation of the plane is always perpendicular to the direction that you specify for the VIEW. A p-point or a p-line point can be used instead of a POS via standard attributes DESI, NPPT, PKEY and PKDI.
The basic command syntax for creating a PPLA is:
- create a PPLA
- set POS attribute to a 3D Design position or
- set position to a Design element
- set position to a Design element p-point
You can only input a 3D Design position on orthogonal VIEWs; the looking direction of such a VIEW determines which coordinate is returned as zero. For example, a plan view returns U0, which you can alter to give the required section.
The example illustrates the use of a perpendicular Plane, positioned at the pump coupling.
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