Marker Style/Colour (MSTYLE/MCOLOUR). Control the appearance of the optional marker at the circle/arc centre. MSTYLE can be set to OFF to suppress the marker.
Crosshairs Line Style/Colour (CHSTYLE/CHCOLOUR). Control the appearance of the optional horizontal and vertical fixed crosshairs that mark the centre of the circle/arc being dimensioned. CHSTYLE can be set to OFF to suppress the crosshairs.
Crosshairs Overshoot distance CHOSHT - default value 6. Controls the distance by which the crosshairs overshoot the circle circumference. The value can be negative. CHOSHT can be set using the cursor, for example, using the command:
Angle Subtended ASUB - default 0. Controls the angle subtended by the optional
projection arcs at the circle circumference. For DFLAG DIAMETER two arcs are drawn, one at each end of the dimension-line; for DFLAG RADIUS only one arc is drawn. The midpoint of these arcs intersect the dimension-line. Note that ASUB=180 generates a circle for a diameter dimension.
Projection Line Style/Colour (PLSTYLE/PLCOLOUR). Control the appearance of projection arcs.