Common Functionality

Editor : Model Editor Handle
A Model Editor Handle appears when a Graphical Selection is present. The Model Editor handle is used to manipulate the position and orientation of the entire Graphical Selection.
The Model Editor Handle is a collection of individual graphical manipulation handles grouped together. The Model Editor Handle can be used to move the entire Graphical Selection to a new position or rotate the entire Graphical Selection through an angle about a selected axis.
The display colour of the Model Editor Handle can be modified. Refer to Animation and Colour Display Options for further information.
Clicking one of the three Linear Movement Handles constrains the movement of the selection to be in the direction of the selected axis
Clicking one of the three Planar Movement Handles constrains the movement of the selection to be in the plane of the selected planar handle.
Clicking one of the three Rotation Handles constrains the rotation of the selection to be about the axis corresponding to the selected rotation handle.

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