Database Management
Reference Manual
Real Attributes of Physical Quantities
: Compound Units
Compound Units
Units may have powers applied by immediately appending an integer power. This is often the only way of inputting the units of some values. Limited alternative verbose forms are supported using additional words square and cubic (which can be abbreviated down to SQU and CUB). For example:
25 square feet
300 cubic centimetres
However the verbose syntax will not work with all abbreviations of standard units.
For compound units requiring more than one unit these should be appended either using a dot (.) or a slash (/) which inverts the following power. Density, Speed and Moments can be input using forms such as:
Again limited verbose forms are also supported using either concentrated units or the additional word 'per' as in
55 lb per cubic foot
60 mile per hour
100 newton metre
However whenever values are reported back the verbose forms are generally NOT used.
The limitation below is not applicable to AVEVA Administration 1.8, AVEVA Engineering 15.3 and higher.
In general there is no serious limit to the complexity of compound units that may be entered.
However when compound units are stored by the system, in particular when setting current working units or setting PML variables, there are limitations to the complexity of compound units that can be maintained.
No more than 4 component units can be used.
Each component unit can have:
The named unit itself
An optional power of the unit (multiple and/or reciprocal)
An optional SI Prefix
When there is only one component it can be one of:
Any standard unit
SI Prefixes femto to Exa
If there are two components these are defined with:
Any standard unit
SI Prefixes femto to Exa for first component, and milli to Mega for second
If there are three components these are defined with:
Any standard unit for first components, limited to 64 common units for last
NO SI Prefixes
If there are four components these are defined with:
Limited to a set of 32 common units
-2>power>+2 except the last unit which has power range of +/-4
NO SI Prefixes
When the choice of units, powers or prefixes are restricted, the order of components may be adjusted to match a compound unit in range.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.