DRAW Administrator Guide
Isometric Automatic Drawing Production
User PML Functions
: CWAY Elevation Labels
CWAY Elevation Labels
!!isoUserCwayElev(!allParts, !defaults)
The function creates General Labels at changes in elevation of CWAY components. It is considered a user function because it produces a label style that may not be suitable for all users and hence may need to be modified to suit project requirements.
The main decisions made in the function are those regarding single and multiple tray systems. If the tray is of single level, then the output is the ENU or XYZ depending on the system being used. If the tray is multi-level then the function calculates the elevation for each level and sets the BTEX for the result.
The label created is a GLAB and has been chosen deliberately, because the leader line position is automatically calculated by the system when the label is repositioned (this is not the case with a SLAB).
The function is designed to update an existing drawing as well as creating from new. In the former case, new labels are only created if they do not exist.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.