DRAW Administrator Guide

Introduction : Hierarchy Browser
The Search Project field finds any elements of the appropriate type with a name that contains the search fragment (anywhere in the name). Prefixing the search fragment with a forward slash '/' to indicate the ‘name begins with’ results in a faster search.
The New drop-down menu only consists of elements that can be created below the level of the node that was right-clicked. For example, at Department level, only Registries and Libraries can be created.
Paste is only available at a hierarchy level that the copied element, using the Copy option can be pasted to. For example, a Sheet can only be pasted into/under a Drawing node.
Elements can be renamed by selecting the Rename option and typing in the new name.
To rename all the owned elements of an element, as well as the element itself, select the owning element and click Rename All. Type in the new name for the owning element. All owned elements are automatically renamed in the same way; the part of their names inherited from their owner is changed.
If an element is deleted using the Delete option, all elements below it in the hierarchy are also deleted.
Select Properties to display the attributes of the selected element in the Properties window. The functionality of the properties window is explained. Refer to Properties for further information.
Click OK to save any changes and close the Hierarchy Browser window.
The Properties window displays the attributes that have been specified for the currently selected element. Depending on the users access rights some attributes can be modified.
Click OK to close the Properties window.

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