Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual

Catalogue Database Structure : Catalogue Sections (SECT and STSEC) and Categories (CATE and STCA) : Elements Used in Structural Sections/Categories
Structural Pointset (PTSSET) - a definition of the position and direction of a Component’s P-lines, to be used by MODEL.
Negative 3D Geometry Set (NGMSET) (usually abbreviated to Negative 3D Geomset) - a grouping of 3D negative primitive elements (representing holes, end preparations etc.), defining the dimensions, orientation and obstruction geometry of each primitive. Used by MODEL and the Drawing modules.
Structural Geometry Set (GMSSET) (usually abbreviated to Structural Geomset) - a grouping of 2D primitive elements, defining the dimensions, orientation and obstruction geometry of each primitive. Used by MODEL and the Drawing modules.
Profile (PROF) - a 2D structural Component defining the cross-section of a beam, column etc. (a Section). It consists of a list of component parameters and references to a Structural Pointset element and a Structural Geomset element. The Pointset and Geomset make use of the component parameter values in defining the size and geometry of the Component. In the design process, a length is associated with a Profile to produce a Section.
Joint (JOIN) - a 3D structural Component defining a physical means of attaching one Section to another. It consists of a list of component parameters and references to a Structural Pointset element, a 3D Pointset element and a 3D Geomset element. The two Pointsets and the Geomset make use of the component parameter values in defining the size and geometry of the Component.
Fitting (FITT) - a 3D structural Component defining an object which is physically attached to a Section but is not part of the structure formed by Sections and Joints. For example, a Fitting may be used to attach a pipe hanger to a Section. The element consists of a list of component parameters and references to a 3D Pointset element and a 3D Geomset element. The Pointset and Geomset make use of the component parameter values in defining the size and geometry of the Component.

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