DESC - a textual description of the section.
PURP - an AVEVA E3D™ word showing the specific purpose for which that section is intended.
GTYP - an AVEVA E3D™ word showing the generic type for elements contained in the section. This should be the same word as that used to identify the elements in MODEL; e.g. VALV, BEAM.
DESC - a textual description of the category.
PURP - an AVEVA E3D™ word showing the specific purpose for which that category is intended. This should be set to the same STYPE as in the Specification with which it is to be used; e.g. GLOB, GATE etc. for a VALV.
GTYP - an AVEVA E3D™ word showing the generic type for elements contained in the section.
SKEY - a textual symbol key showing how the item is represented in isometric drawings (refer to Symbol Keys).
PTRE - a reference to a 3D P-point Set (PTSE).
GMRE - a reference to a 3D Geometry Set (GMSE).
DTRE - a reference to a Data Set (DTSE).
CDET - a reference to Detailing Text (DTEX).