Cable Design
User Guide
Cabling System
: Hierarchy
All database elements are owned by other elements, therefore elements must be created in a strict order. The following database elements are common to all MODEL disciplines:
Cabling System Specific Hierarchy
Below the zone level in the Cabling System application, the cabling system specific elements are:
Cableway (Cway)
Cway elements are administrative and can own a number of cableway branches with common default cabling application defaults and can have any number of ends.
Cableway Branch (Cwbran)
Cwbran elements define a section of the cableway (space for the cables and cableway material (CTMTRL) element(s)) with a known head and tail.
Cableway Material (Ctmtrl)
Ctmtrl elements defines the type of cable tray material used and own a section of the cableway (made up from cableway material components).
Cableway Material Component
Cableway material components are owned by the cableway material elements. These components are available in the catalogue and dictate the shape and geometry of the cableway. Cableway material components can run from the head to tail of the owning branch but can also be connected to other branches.
Cable elements are administrative and can own a number of cableway branches with a common default cabling application default. Cables can be routed with or without cableways with a know head and tail but can also be connected to other branches.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.