Unset HREF/TREF Components: If a branch is unconnected and ends on a component, then the DESC attribute is output as the LLFROM or LLTO attribute (see example above).
Unset HREF/TREF SCTUBING: If a branch ends with an SCTUB, then the text 'Open Pipe' is output for the LLFROM or LLTO attribute.
HREF/TREF Components: If a branch terminates at a component of another SCPLINE or PIPE, then the name of the SCPLINE or PIPE is provided as the LLFROM or LLTO attribute value.
SCNOZZLEs: the name of the owning equipment is output with the nozzle name in brackets.
Equipment: the name of the Equipment is output with its DESC attribute in brackets.
Offline Instruments: The name of the instrument is output with the DESC attribute in brackets.