Diagrams User Guide

Diagrams : Working with Diagrams : Copying / Pasting Data : Copying and Pasting (CTRL+C > CTRL+V) : Messages in the Message Log
An example of this message can look like "The attribute HREF can not be set because element is not SCBRAN, SCSEG type. Type of element is SCCABLE".
This kind of messages should never be displayed, unless something changed in the database, for example if pasting copied data into older database versions. Message will be displayed only for referenced attributes that are responsible for connections (like CRFA, ECRFA but not SCLORE).
This is not a SCSEGMENT nor SCBRANCH and you are trying to set HREF. IsTypeValid() method failed!
This is not a SCSEGMENT nor SCBRANCH and you are trying to set TREF. IsTypeValid() method failed!

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