User Guide
Working with Diagrams
Copying / Pasting Data
Copying and Pasting (CTRL+C > CTRL+V)
: Copying Items without Parent
Copying Items without Parent
In some occasions, nozzles or electrical connections are copied without its owning element. In these cases the pasted objects will not be defined in the database, since they don’t have any owning element. A warning message will be displayed in the message log.
They can afterwards be connected to an equipment, and will then become defined in the database.
However, sub-equipment items do not need that connection to be defined, but they require valid equipment as the owner. Because of this, it is possible to copy and paste sub-equipment items as defined object without copying equipment owners. There is only one restriction, only sub-equipment items are copied and CE has to be equipment when paste executed. This CE will be owner for copied sub-equipment items.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.