User Guide
Working with Diagrams
Copying / Pasting Data
Copying and Pasting (CTRL+C > CTRL+V)
Copy/Paste Options
: Use Existing Line
Use Existing Line
In some cases copy and paste of a whole pipeline in one go might not be possible because it can be located on several drawing or pages. When this option is enabled, Diagrams will check if the database contains a line with the same name (it can be different UDET types, only base type must be the same). If a line with the same name exists, then all branches will be created under the existing line. When the option is disabled, a new line will be always created.
Possible values are:
Always – Branches will always be created under existing lines with the same name as in source model. If there is no line with the same name, new lines will be created.
Never – system will create new lines and define new branches under them.
Ask – each time, before creating a new line it checks if there exist lines with the same name. If existing, a dialog message will be displayed, asking if as new line should be created.
This option will work properly only when line names are set correctly. Please see the “Elements name” section below for naming behaviour during Copy/Paste.
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