Diagrams User Guide

Diagrams : Getting Started : Creating Shapes and Adding to Stencils : Edit Connection Points Dialog
The Edit Connection Points functionality is accessible from the first step of the Import Shape Wizard or Edit Master and Instant Define dialogs via the link placed in the bottom left corner.
The Edit Connection Points dialog allows you to modify the functionality of the connection points of the shape that is imported/edited. After following the link, the dialog opens and shows the simplified image of the imported/edited shape. Shapes connection points are shown as blue crosses that become red after selection. The Association Point is hidden as it has a special function and cannot be changed. If there are more than one shape being imported it is possible to navigate between them using the Next/Previous links located below the image.
The Connection function which determines the way Diagrams recognises the connection point, the elements that can be connected to the point and the way the connection is reflected in the database. Within this function it is possible to change the following properties:
Connection type - determines which kind of elements can be connected to the connection point.
Pipe connection - points of this type are used for connecting inline components of pipeline, HVAC line or instrument line with tubes and ducts or directly to another inline component. Such connections are possible to use on the points of the Pipe connection type only. In shape sheet connection points of this type are named Connections.PIPE_X, where X is the connection number possible to set in the next dialog.
Cable in - these kinds of points are required for connecting cable elements to non-equipment items that are supposed to be power receivers. That means that the ENDREF attribute of the cable will be set to the item. The non-equipment items that are allowed to be connected to cables with such a point are valves, fittings, HVAC fittings, inline instruments and offline instruments. In shape sheet connection points of this type are named Connections.CABLEIN_X, where X is the value set in the connection number field.
Cable out - these kinds of points are required for connecting cable elements to non-equipment items that are supposed to be power suppliers. That means that the STAREF attribute of the cable will be set to the item. In shape sheet connection points of this type are named Connections.CABLEOUT_X, where X the is value set in the connection number field.
Undefined - connection points that are not of any of the above types. Such points cannot be used for restricted connections as cable to inline components or piping connections. However, they are accepted when e.g. connecting actuators to different items or connection of equipment items with cable elements, electrical connections and nozzles.
Connection number - the connection number is important for the piping connections. If the component is connected to some other item within the same segment, then the ARRIVE and LEAVE attributes are consistent with the connection point number. When the ‘incoming’ tube is connected to the point PIPE_3, then the ARRIVE attribute is set to 3 and if the ‘outgoing’ tube is connected to e.g. PIPE_2, the LEAVE attribute of the component is set to 2. For branching connections the reference is set to the proper position in the CRFA attribute, e.g. if the connection number is 5 and another branch is connected to the point on the component then CRFA[5] of the component is set to the branch. For other connections the number affects the point name only, as the name has to be unique within the scope of one shape.
Location - X and Y coordinates of the connection point in the shapes local coordinates system.
Connection point type - Visio connection point type which may be outward, inward or outward & inward.
After the operation is completed click OK and the changes are stored and the dialog is closed. It is possible to re-open this function and do further changes. Click the Cancel button and all changes done since opening the dialog will be reverted.

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