Presentation label for the attribute. This controls the name to be presented to the user in the Shape Data window only. This setting does not apply to the Item List as it shows mixed items in the same list.
If this checkbox is checked, it will not be possible to update the attribute value from the Shape Data window or from the Item List.
Navigate and select. Navigate and select the attribute in the tree view on the right hand pane, and click the Add button to add them to the Selected Attributes list on the right hand side.
Key-in. Click on the next free line in the Selected Attributes list, and key in the name of the referenced attribute using a dot notation as described in Attribute Presentation Notation in Chapter Appendices.
Pseudo attributes are not shown in the list of attributes in Attribute Presentation and Referenced Attributes dialogues. In case pseudo attributes should be presented, these will have to be added manually by using the Key-in method described above. A few pseudo attributes that can be useful for the Diagrams user are described in Pseudo Attributes in Chapter Appendices.