In the Diagrams Options Defaults section tab, there are a several settings that will control the operation of the application. On the left pane is a tree structure showing the organisation of the settings by group. When a group is selected, the settings in that group are presented in the window to the right. At the bottom of that pane there is a grey box providing an explanation for each setting.
If changes have been made when the dialogue is closed by clicking the OK button, the dialogue window shown below will appear. In case the user clicks
Yes the changes will be saved for the next program session. If the user clicks
No, the settings will only apply to the current program session.
By default changes to Diagrams Options Defaults are saved to %PDMSDFLTS%/Diagrams/ which usually is a machine specific location and should be configured separately on each machine. It is also possible to configure a project with
Diagrams Options Defaults. For more information about handling settings files please see
Document Files, Sessions etc. in Chapter Application Setup.