Running Global Projects
Suggested Housekeeping Guidelines for Projects
: Update Frequency
Update Frequency
The idea of Global is that it provides the ability for a project split across several locations to behave just as if it was located in one location. Therefore it is assumed that most deployments of Global will have this objective in mind and will make sure that each location is updated with changes from the other locations on a frequent basis, especially when they are in similar time zones. This is particularly important when the locations are operating in the same physical space e.g. in a compressor house one location covers the steam lines, the other the utility lines. The aim here is, of course, to try and avoid routing pipe in the same space as the other location. This also lies to the idea of keeping an Extract database only local at one location i.e. if the project is process split this will incur a higher risk of clash issues when the data eventually migrates to a higher level database shared between the locations. If the project is split geographically e.g. each location covering complete units, then this particular risk is reduced.
As a baseline updates between locations occurring around 4 times per working day are reasonable with a possible escalation if significant change is occurring at critical times and data is needed by one location faster than normal e.g. a fabrication yard when the project data is reaching design completion. Examples of updates every 15 minutes have been seen in this particular scenario.
Where the project is split across time zones, then timing updates to make sure data is exchanged to suit start and close of work with attention to any time overlap is recommended.
However, when selecting update frequencies the issue of data quantity moving across the network should be considered too. The other idea of Global is to allow smaller chunks of data to be transferred rather than whole databases. Therefore, if only one transfer is done per day, the quantity of data will be large and if there has been an intense period of modelling in one location then the update may take longer, possibly not completing in time for drawing or review file production as expected. Therefore, doing several updates will reduce the risk of update overlap or incompletion before deliverable production.
When different time zones are involved, it may be useful to use an intermediate satellite. This will make it easier to transfer large amounts of data outside working hours.
1974 to current year.
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