Components : Equipment Nozzles : Circular Nozzle
The task of creating an HVAC Component is initiated from the HVAC Window.
Select Equipment Nozzles in the Categories drop-down list and then Circular Nozzle in the Available Type drop-down list to display the HVAC Equipment Nozzle window:
You can select a Duct/Nozzle Shape, using Duct / Nozzle Shape drop-down list
The fields will be pre-populated with default dimensions. These dimensions are governed by the details defined in the HVAC Catalogue. The Arrive Extension default is auto but can be changed by you to a required dimension.
Click Defaults to reset all the fields back to when the HVAC Equipment Nozzle window was opened.
Click Apply to create the HVAC Equipment Nozzle component and close the HVAC Equipment Nozzle Window. You will be returned to the HVAC Window.
Click Cancel to discard all the field changes and close the HVAC Equipment Nozzle window.

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