DRAW Reference Manual

Colours and Styles : Line Styles : Glyphs
User-defined Glyphs are defined in the database by GLYPH elements which are members of a Glyph Table (GLYTB) element. GLYPHs attributes are:
Element GLYCIRcle has attributes:
GDEFIN -- M/TO -- <int2> --|-- L/TO -- <int2> --|-- <int2> -- etc
Where <int2>
The sequence must start with the MTO (MoveTo) keyword followed by two integers, this defines the start point of the Outline. The LTO (LineTo) or ANGTO (AngleTo) keyword must then follow and then two or three integers respectively to define the first span. Having defined a span another similar span can be defined immediately by the input of two or three integers or alternatively the type of span can be changed by a LTO or ANGTO keyword. If a break in the Outline is required the MTO keyword must be used to define the start of a new sequence.

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