Pipe Stress Interface
XML Schema
XML Schema
: Return Process
Return Process
After stressing we produce two output files from CAESAR and these are combined to form a return xml file.
The first is a new CII file containing any dimensional changes and possible new elements. This is a CII file produced from the CAESAR model after stressing.
The second file is a list of deflections per node from a CAESAR load case report.
To produce a return input to the 3D model, these two files are combined with the original xml output to form a new xml file containing the stress data. In essence the xml format is the same as the output but with new information appended.
The first new item is the load case List which then contains a list of individual load case names. In the following examples the additional lines are shown in Blue:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PipeStressExport xmlns="http://aveva.com/pipeStress116.xsd">
<LoadCaseNames>CASE 1 (SUS) W</LoadCaseNames>
The sequence then continues replicating the individual components exactly as they were in the original output but with extra blocks.
<Position>-2000.00 13800.00 0.00</Position>
The first extra block comes after the SIF value and is a new Position marker.
<NewPosition>-2000 13800 0</NewPosition>
In most cases the new position matches exactly the position before because this value is only used if the actual position in the line has been changed.
Next comes the status line
Status can be:
'True' (no change)
'New' (a new node has been inserted)
'Deleted' (the node has been deleted)
'Changed' (some part of the definition has changed such as the type or loads on a restraint)
Deflections are catered for in lines after the status in load blocks. Each load case has a load block covering deflections for the current node:
<LoadCaseName>CASE 1 (SUS) W</LoadCaseName>
<Translation>1.37 2.16 0.57</Translation>
<Rotation>0 0 0</Rotation>
New items are added in the form of new nodes. The types of items to be added are normally restraints or bends and elbows for additional support or flexibility. Other new component types are not supported. The following is a new node to provide a restraint. Its status is New.
<Endpoint />
<ComponentRefNo />
<Position>-4551 13800 0</Position>
<NewPosition>-4551 13800 0</NewPosition>
<LoadCaseName>CASE 1 (SUS) W</LoadCaseName>
<Translation>0 0 0</Translation>
<Rotation>0 0.0014 0</Rotation>
The return xml file is named after the original xml file but with the extension of RET.xml to indicate that it is a return file. It is a combination of the original and the new information from CAESAR and it is read into the model to produce a representation of the stress cases.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.