Status Control
Status Pseudo Attributes and Commands
: Commands
STM ASS[ign] /Definition [to SELELE] ['comment']
Assigns Status /Definition to current element or SELELE making it controlled by this status and sets the current status value to INIVAL. If a comment is given, it will be set otherwise any current comment is cleared.
STM REM[ove] /Definition [from SELELE]
Removes Status /Definition from current element or SELELE making it uncontrolled by this status.
STM RESET /Definition [on SELELE] ['comment']
Resets current value of status /Definition on current element or SELELE to INIVAL. There does not need to be a valid transition from current value to initial value. If a comment is given, it will be set otherwise any current comment is cleared.
STM DE[mote] /Definition [on SELELE] ['comment']
Sets current value of status /Definition on current element or SELELE to the value defined as demote (STVDEM). If a comment is given, it will be set otherwise any current comment is cleared
STM PRO[mote] /Definition [on SELELE] ['comment']
Sets current value of status /Definition on current element or SELELE to the value defined as promote (STVPRO). If a comment is given, it will be set otherwise any current comment is cleared
STM SET /Definition [/Value] [on SELELE] ['comment']
Sets current value of status /Definition on current element or SELELE to /Value. There need to be a valid transition from current value to /Value. If a comment is given, it will be set otherwise any current comment is cleared.
STM CO/mment /Definition [on SELELE] 'comment'
Set/modify current comment for status /Definition on current element or SELELE to 'comment'. This is done without modifying any other value of the current status.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.