Stairs Ladders and Handrails Administrator Guide

Templates : Create Handrail Panel Template
Panel templates are used in the creation of handrails. The allowable panels are defined in the defaults by referencing panel parts. Panel parts are created in the PARAGON module, refer to Catalogue and Specifications User Guide for further information. Panel parts reference either catalogue or template handrails.
To create a Panel Template element, from the Templates part of the SLH Administration Tasks window, click Create next to the Handrail Panels drop-down list to display the Create Panel Template window.
All mandatory parts of the Create Panel Template window are indicated with an amber triangle. The SLH application replaces the amber triangle with a green tick when the Create Panel Template window has been populated with the required data.
The General part of the Create Panel Template window displays by default, the administrator can name and describe the new Panel Template element.
The Side Mounted radio button creates a Panel Template with side mounted posts and is selected by default.
Select the Top Mounted radio button to create a Panel Template with top mounted posts.
The One (Two Posts) radio button creates a Panel Template with one bay and two posts. The One (Two Posts) radio button is selected by default.
Select the Two (Three Posts) radio button to create a Panel Template with two bays and three posts.
Select the Three (Four Posts) radio button to create a Panel Template with three bays and four posts.
Click Next to display the Mandatory Parameters part of the Create Panel Template window. Refer to Panel Template Mandatory Parameters for further information.
Click Cancel to discard any inputs and return to the SLH Administration Tasks window.
The Mandatory Parameters part of the Create Panel Template window allows the administrator to define the required Panel Template dimensions.
Select the Variable radio button to input a value in the Default field. The administrator is also required to input a value in the Minimum and Maximum fields to define the minimum and maximum allowable panel length dimensions. The post spacing is recalculated when a value is entered.
Select the Fixed radio button to input a Fixed value in the Value field. The minimum and maximum values are equal and the fields are not available for modification.
Select the Variable radio button to input a Default value in the Default field.
Select the Fixed radio button to input a Fixed value in the Value field.
Select the Variable radio button to input a Default value in the Default field.
Select the Fixed radio button to input a Fixed value in the Value field.
Select the Variable radio button to input a Default value in the Default field.
Select the Fixed radio button to input a Fixed value in the Value field.
Select the Variable radio button to input a Default value in the Default field.
Select the Fixed radio button to input a Fixed value in the Value field.
Select the Variable radio button to input a Default value in the Default field.
Select the Fixed radio button to input a Fixed value in the Value field.
Select the Variable radio button to input a Default value in the Default field. The panel length is calculated again once a value is entered into the field.
Select the Fixed radio button to input a Fixed value in the Value field.
Click Next to display the Optional Parameters part of the Create Panel Template window. Refer to Panel Template Optional Parameters for further information.
Click Back to return to the General part of the Create Panel Template window.
Click Cancel to discard any inputs and return to the SLH Administration Tasks window.
The Optional Parameters part of the Create Panel Template window allows the administrator to define the optional Panel Template dimensions.
Click Next to display the Profiles part of the Create Panel Template window. Refer to Panel Template Profiles for further information.
Click Back to return to the Mandatory Parameters part of the Create Panel Template window.
Click Cancel to discard any inputs and return to the SLH Administration Tasks window.
The Profiles part of the Create Panel Template window allows the administrator to define the Profiles used in the panel template. The profiles are positioned using p-points which are specified by the administrator. If a p-point is selected that requires the presence of a parameter, the SLH application includes the parameter by default.
The functionality of the Profiles part of the Create Panel Template window is identical to the Profiles part of the Create Gate Template window. Refer to Gate Template Profiles for further information.
Click Next to display the Plates part of the Create Panel Template window. Refer to Panel Template Plates for further information.
Click Back to return to the Optional Parameters part of the Create Panel Template window.
Click Cancel to discard any inputs and return to the SLH Administration Tasks window.
The Plates part of the Create Panel Template window allows the administrator to define the Plates used in the panel template. The plates are positioned using p-points which are specified by the administrator. If a p-point is selected that requires the presence of a parameter, the SLH application includes the parameter by default.
The functionality of the Plates part of the Create Panel Template window is identical to the Plates part of the Create Gate Template window. Refer to Gate Template Plates for further information.
Click Build Template to create the panel template.
Click Back to return to the Profiles part of the Create Panel Template window.
Click Cancel to discard any inputs and return to the SLH Administration Tasks window.

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