Alternatively, you can select a standard page size from the drop-down list. The Width field is then populated, by default.
Alternatively, you can select a standard page size from the drop-down list. The Height field is then populated, by default.
Select the Unset option button to define the backing sheet as Unset.
Select the Reference option button to reference a pre-defined backing sheet. You must select a reference backing sheet from the drop-down list.
Select the Filename option button to reference a backing sheet from a filename. You must input a filename in the field.
Input a value in the Metric field to define the precision for the metric values in decimal places.
Input a value in the Imperial field to define the precision for the imperial values in decimal places.
Input a value in the Fractions field to define the precision for imperial fractional values.
Select from the Angles drop-down list to define the way in which angles are stored and input a value in the field. Angles are stored decimally, to the nearest whole number of degrees, to the nearest minute, or to the nearest second.